治安( 合法性產業)

https:www.cna.com.twnewsasoc202410280046.aspx?utm_source=cna.facebook&utm_medium=fanpage&utm_campaign=fbpost&fbclid=IwY2xjawGL5lxleHRuA2FlbQIxMQABHe_n1EL7atMcJ9WDUZiKE4YRXzDtjc4R-saJ9B0x40RBAj-qqPgHEvuqpQ_aem_bzGAAGXOZEjD88HXAtrLRQ身為生物科技愛好者 🧫 和古希臘哲學愛好者有一些觀點 希望能幫助台灣 ( 希望不要被刪文) 謝謝🙏—————————————————就在剛才台灣發生社會事件台灣要認真考慮🤔️學習日本 讓風俗業合法化 改善治安問題 為了台灣 ! 政府官員立法院應該認真考慮🤔️是否跟進歐美澳日的先進思維 美國🇺🇸名校 UCLA 的學者( UC都是名校, 其中UCLA 被譽為最好公立大學) 研究發現性產業能有效減少性犯罪 30-40% 在這一篇文章 主題:設立性專區簡少性犯罪和強暴 Legal prostitution zones reduce incidents of rape and sexual abusehttps:www.huffpost.comentrylegal-prostitution-zones-reduce-incidents-of-rape-and_b_58c83be1e4b01d0d473bce8aamp引述文章論述: 當荷蘭🇳🇱的主要城市開放性產業專區(即街頭妓女可以合法工作的區域)時 這些區域開放後的頭兩年內 強姦和性虐待的報告下降了 30% 至 40%在那些發給妓女許可證的城市中強暴和性虐待案件下降了 40%when major cities in that country opened tippelzones, or areas where street prostitutes could work legally, reports of rape and sexual abuse declined by as much as 30 to 40 percent in the first two years after the zones were opened.當賣淫合法化並在一定程度上受到監管時就像在荷蘭的性專區一樣性犯罪者不太可能隨機襲擊女性並且 由於警察對性專區的監控比其他地區更嚴格 消費者往往會控制他們的暴力的行為When prostitution is decriminalized and regulated to some extent, as it is in the Dutch tippelzones, sexual predators are less likely to strike at random women. And because police monitoring is higher in tippelzones than in other areas of the city, predators who pay for sex tend to rein in their more violent behaviors.不只如此 毒品犯罪也減少25% Hat tip to the Harvard Shorenstein Center’s Journalist’s Resource, which first reported this groundbreaking study.致敬🫡哈佛大學向最先報導這項開創性研究的哈佛肖倫斯坦中心記者資源致敬https:journalistsresource.orgpolitics-and-governmentlegal-prostitution-reduce-rape-holland?utm_source=JR-email&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=JR-email哥大經濟學者🧑‍🏫也發現 即將發表的論文提出了合法化和監管的另一個論點 在合法出售性行為的荷蘭城市 強姦和性侵犯的發生率較低A forthcoming paper offers another argument for legalization and regulation: lower rates of rape and sexual assault in Dutch cities where sex is sold legally—享受😎IVY早晨——

2024-10-28 00:00